Professionals Associates

Professionals Associates
the community.

Professionals Associates
the community.
TEPA is one of the frontline business groups from Tamil Community in the following activities:
- To bring more investment to U.A.E to support U.A.E Government.
- Support to increase the number of new Startup companies in U.A.E by engaging U.A.E business people or new investors from India.
- Involving to increase the U.A.E Economy to support the government.
- Increase the number of workforces and business activities in the local market.
- Encourage the community to re-invest the earned money in U.A.E market in different fields.
- Assisting & guiding potential investors to open branches / new businesses in India.
- Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.
- Transforming Employees to Employers to do effective business in the market.
- Arranging Seminars & Conferences related to business.
- Arranging Investments to India from the Gulf Market.
TEPA contributes to the Tamil Community by organizing the following activities with its own resources and assistance of associate partner organizations in Dubai:
- Business network meetings: physically and virtually, enabling sharing business opportunities.
- Charitable activities: organizing food, groceries and safety kits distribution to economically challenged Tamil community.
- Social work:
- Blood donation campaign.
- Foodstuff, groceries and safety kits distribution.
- Connecting employment opportunities and job seekers.
- Repatriation of workers in emergency situations.
- Assistance to stranded or deprived through community approach, and
- Involving in Arts, Sports and Cultural Programs along with event management companies.
Following are the completed Social Activities, Events and Networking Programs
- 2000 low-income workers were provided with monthly groceries during Covid-19 pandemic period during 2020.
- 600 Food Packs, 900 Snack boxes and Free Clothing were distributed during Covid-19 pandemic period 2020.
- Provided Provisions kits for 200 Low-Income family members during 2020 covid period.
- Distributed 1800 Food & Snack Packs at Al Quoz Camp with the support of Smart Life Foundations, Dubai during the holy month of Ramadan.
- Distributed 500 Food & Snack Packs in the remembrance of Labor Day during the holy month of Ramadan at Muhaisnah, Dubai.
- Arranged Repatriation flight tickets for 20 pregnant ladies & 10 sick & old age people through Indian Consulate, Dubai by references.
- Supported to get 15 Air tickets for people stranded and desperate to go home.
- Arranged 2 Nos of Charter flights as part of Repatriation process for 365 stranded Tamil passengers.
- Extended Medical assistance for 15 people during 2020.
- Arranged Blood donation campaign with over 100 blood donators on February 5, 2021.
- 6600 people were guided by telephone by our Committee Members.
- Arranged over 80 employments from 2020.
- Supported Cricket tournaments, cultural programs along with other companies.
- Organized Badminton Tournaments in September 2021, where over 250 players form 5 countries participated.
- Celebrated Women’s Day program on March 8, 2021 at Badr Al Samaa Medical Center, Bur Dubai. Honored all the Doctors & Nurses (Corona warriors) and arranged health tests and cervical cancer tests with special prices.
- Organized New year, National day, Flag Day & Pongal Programs.
- More than 5 startup companies and branches started with the assistance of TEPA in U.A.E
- Provided Financial Assistance & Tools for businesses for 10 members including one Women Entrepreneur.
- Conducting regular TEPA Executive Committee Meetings.
- Organized TEPA Business Network Meet on September 25, 2021.
- Organized TEPA Business Network Meet on September 25, 2021.
Following are the completed Events
- Supported Cricket tournaments, cultural programs along with other companies.
- Organized Badminton Tournaments in September 2021, where over 250 players form 5 countries participated.
- Celebrated Women’s Day program on March 8, 2021 at Badr Al Samaa Medical Center, Bur Dubai. Honored all the Doctors & Nurses (Corona warriors) and arranged health tests and cervical cancer tests with special prices.
- Organized New year, National day, Flag Day & Pongal Programs.
- More than 5 startup companies and branches started with the assistance of TEPA in U.A.E
- Provided Financial Assistance & Tools for businesses for 10 members including one Women Entrepreneur.
- Pongal 2022 Celebration – ‘Pongal Kondatam – 2022’ organized TEPA and Lulu Hypermarket at Souk Warsan, International City, Dubai
- Republic Day 2022 Celebration – Organized by The Indian Academy in association with TEPA at The Indian Academy, Muhaisnah 4, Dubai
Following are the completed Networking Programs
- Conducting regular TEPA Executive Committee
- Organized TEPA Business Network Meet – Chapter 1, on September 25, 2021.
- Organized TEPA Business Network Meet – Chapter 2, on November 27, 2021.

Social Activities
Following are the completed Social Activities